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Family Agreement

I want my child to achieve; therefore, I will encouarge him/her by doing the following:

I will see that my child is punctual and attends school regulary.

I will support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline.

I will establish a time for homework and will assist my child when needed.

I will encourage my child to do his/her best and will be proud of his/her efforts.

I will see that my child is a responsible person by teaching him/her to return things to school, such as homework, library books, etc.

I will teach social skills to promote positive interactions with others.

I am aware of the Zero Tolerance Policy and the consequences of not following the policy.


Student Agreement

As a student, I will work hard to do the following:

I will ask for help at school and at home.

I will come to class on time, have all needed materials and assignments, and be prepared to work.

I will be a responsible student and will respect the right of others to learn without distraction and disruption.

I will show respect for and will cooperate with all adults in the school.

I will complete all assignments to the best of my ability.

I will show respect for people and property by not using profanity, stealing, or vandalizing.

I will spend time at home daily studying and/or reading.

I will obey the rules set forth by the school, my teacher, and by my parents/guardian.

I am aware of the Zero Tolerance Policy and the consequences of not following the policy.


Teacher Agreement

I want my students to be achievers and do their best; therefore, I will do the following:

I will help my students grow in knowledge and independence and will make my students aware that they have the potential to learn and succeed.

I will provide an environment conducive to learning and display respect for all.

I will keep the family of my students aware of their child's school work and behavior and will encourage family involvement in their child's education.

I will come to class prepared for the lessons and will encourage students through praise.

I will give homework assignments that will enhance the materials that I have assigned.

I will develop a plan for learning and discipline that is fair to all students.


Principal Agreement

i support this school agreement compact and will do the following:

I will strive for a learning environment that is free from conflicts and distractions.

I will do my best to ensure that each student has positive instructors under whom he/she may learn.

I will provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, families, and the student.